On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Ralph Goers
<ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> On Oct 14, 2013, at 7:31 AM, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The current idea I have is that the XML Schema would reflect exactly
>> the code that is running. We should start with that. AFAIK, the
>> current code we have does not allow open-ended XML fragments, but I
>> could be wrong...
>> Gary
> Of course it allows open-ended XML fragments.  If the user provides their own 
> Appender as a plugin they are free to create other plugins that the Appender 
> can then reference.  The same is true for Filters, Lookups, etc.  
> XMLConfiguration and JSONConfiguration don't care about specific element 
> names - only that they map to a defined plugin.  So any scheme you come up 
> with to generate a fully strict schema would have to be able to account for 
> user defined plugins.

I should have been more specific, or there is another piece I do not understand.

If I or Alexander provide our own Appender, they will be annotated
with Log4j2 annotations. Today, yes, the XML is open-ended, but not
per XML Schema. In my imaginary yet-to-be-implemented system, you
would tell Log4j, at developement or build time of your app, to
rebuild the metadata such that: (1) the normal config knows about my
custom appender, and (2) I can generate a new XML Schema.


> Ralph
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