Best to upgrade to 2.10 if you’re not on it yet. 


(Shameless plug) Every java main() method deserves

> On Dec 15, 2017, at 8:45, Benjamin Jaton <> wrote:
> Oh interesting. Well this one appender is not async but it is multi
> threaded, so I think that explains it.
> Useful to know about 2031 though.
> Thanks
> Benjamin
>> On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 2:54 PM, Remko Popma <> wrote:
>> Are you using Log4j 2.10?
>> The reason I’m asking is that the 2.10 release contains a fix for
>> Prior to 2.10, there was a possibility that log events ended up out of
>> order in the log when you’re using async loggers or async appender and the
>> appender could not keep up with the logging rate. Once the queue is full,
>> previous versions of Log4j2 would bypass the queue and log directly to the
>> appender.
>> From 2.10, this only happens if Log4j2 determines there’s a risk for
>> deadlock, otherwise the thread will enqueue the log event (possibly
>> blocking until space is available in the queue).
>> Remko
>> (Shameless plug) Every java main() method deserves
>>> On Dec 15, 2017, at 7:22, Ralph Goers <>
>> wrote:
>>> In a multi-threaded application it is entirely possible that log entries
>> might be appear to be out of order. This is because the LogEvent will
>> populate the timestamp field but then another thread might get control,
>> generate its log event, and then pass it to the appender before the first
>> thread got a chance to pass the event to the appender. Are you seeing log
>> entries that are out of order in the same thread? That shouldn’t happen.
>>> Ralph
>>>> On Dec 14, 2017, at 3:09 PM, Benjamin Jaton <>
>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am seeing logs that are not in order in the log file, it this expected
>>>> when using a RollingFile appender?
>>>> "appenders" : {
>>>>    "appender" : [ {
>>>>      "type" : "RollingFile",
>>>>      "name" : "ServerAppender",
>>>>      "PatternLayout" : {
>>>>        "pattern" : "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n"
>>>>      },
>>>>      "fileName" : "server.log",
>>>>      "filePattern" : "server-%d{yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}",
>>>>      "SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy" : {
>>>>        "size" : "100MB"
>>>>      },
>>>>      "bufferedIO" : "true",
>>>>      "bufferSize" : "8192",
>>>>      "immediateFlush" : "true",
>>>>      "DefaultRolloverStrategy" : (...)
>>>>    }
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Benjamin
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