Those are system properties, but in log4j 2.10+, you can also use an
environment variable instead.

On 3 January 2018 at 07:36, Fröstl, Christian <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks, that clarifies it. (
> Is it possible to set the log4j2.asyncQueueFullPolicy   and
> log4j2.discardThreshold in the log4j2 xml configuration file or only as
> environment variable?
> Greetings,
> Christian
> On 03.01.18, 09:43, "Remko Popma" <> wrote:
>     No, the default async queue full policy is to block and not drop any
> events. (This is different from Logback whose AsyncAppender is “lossy by
> default if 80% full”.) Log4j 2.10 will block until space becomes available
> in the buffer.
>     If you configure the DiscardingAsyncQueueFullPolicy (
> 3A__logging.apache.org_log4j_2.x_log4j-2Dcore_xref_org_
> apache_logging_log4j_core_async_DiscardingAsyncQueueFullPolicy
> .html&d=DwIFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=
> 37nF0SnGtdjmcblOpYG7cKwaPDc1GWo5GNDvnDLF8TE&m=
> YD5JM4y8v44bpRXCOPKk3J0VIzak5IxqVyGe6fhkqAM&s=
> Ggo8IbBfo8JQkLyrBQY4HhEpgjf3Flb_EM3Zu5y_Do0&e=), events below the
> threshold are discarded when the queue is full. The default threshold is
> INFO, so trace and debug events are discarded, while INFO and higher events
> will not be discarded so the appender will have to block until space
> becomes available.
>     I hope this clarifies things. :-)
>     Remko
>     (Shameless plug) Every java main() method deserves
> info&d=DwIFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=
> 37nF0SnGtdjmcblOpYG7cKwaPDc1GWo5GNDvnDLF8TE&m=
> YD5JM4y8v44bpRXCOPKk3J0VIzak5IxqVyGe6fhkqAM&s=kCeGLk_Nd7hwvw13yJf3riq_
> 6WW8ixnCv5pTFMijt_U&e=
>     > On Jan 3, 2018, at 17:08, Fröstl, Christian <
>> wrote:
>     >
>     > Hi,
>     >
>     > Thanks for your response.
>     > Just one question to verify.
>     > In the default configuration, all events of level info, debug and
> trace will be dropped, if the ringbuffer is full. For all other events the
> application will block and if the ringbuffer has space again, the block
> will release and the events will be written, right?
>     > That means that only events of type Info, debug and trace could be
> lost, but none of the higher levels like error, warn and severe, right?
>     >
>     > Kind regards,
>     > Christian
>     >
>     > On 22.12.17, 01:53, "Remko Popma" <> wrote:
>     >
>     >    Yes by default the application thread will block until a slot
> becomes available in the queue.
>     >
>     >    Yes this is configurable: see https://urldefense.proofpoint.
> com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_apache_logging-2Dlog4j2_
> blob_master_log4j-2Dcore_src_main_java_org_apache_logging_
> DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=37nF0SnGtdjmcblOpYG7cKwaPDc1GW
> o5GNDvnDLF8TE&m=hk-mti7hK6agTdNqpiQVl3gpA4ri4hrn2pxHf_8maIE&s=
> QykinLq8RJFWq5YIigJq8wWizXFOxKy3DWeXTomCnaM&e=
>     >
>     >    (Shameless plug) Every java main() method deserves
> info&d=DwIFaQ&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=
> 37nF0SnGtdjmcblOpYG7cKwaPDc1GWo5GNDvnDLF8TE&m=hk-
> mti7hK6agTdNqpiQVl3gpA4ri4hrn2pxHf_8maIE&s=w_
> w2x7qWvjFgf1pKLN7kb5Q534FwglDl16TI5-OArl4&e=
>     >
>     >> On Dec 20, 2017, at 2:03, Fröstl, Christian <
>> wrote:
>     >>
>     >> Hi,
>     >>
>     >> I currently don’t find any documentation regarding the fallback
> methods of the log4j2 async logger.
>     >> What happens when the AsyncLogger.RingBufferSize is too small to
> log all entries from a burst? Will the application fall back into sync
> logging and slow down the application or will the new messages be dropped?
>     >> Is this a configurable behaviour?
>     >>
>     >> Kind regards,
>     >> Christian
>     >>
>     >>
>     >> ________________________________
>     >>
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> privileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you have
> received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the
> original. Any other use of the email by you is prohibited.
>     >
>     >
>     >
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Matt Sicker <>

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