> <snip> discussion about legal aspects re using a camel smoking a joint
>        on a t-shirt.

If these are private individuals selling t-shirts, may I suggest just
omitting the word 'perl' from anywhere on the t-shirt. Then O'Reilly's
trademark issues don't even come into effect (See page 'iv' of Programming
Perl for trademark discussion) and it's really, really got nothing to do
with them.

Quite frankly I'd rather not piss of O'Reilly.  IMHO they're a nice
company that do nice things and the legality of the issue really has
nothing to do with it.



print "\n",map{my$a="\n"if(length$_>6);' 'x(36-length($_)/2)."$_\n$a"} (
   Name  => 'Mark Fowler',        Title => 'Technology Developer'      ,
   Firm  => 'Profero Ltd',        Web   => 'http://www.profero.com/'   ,
   Email => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',   Phone => '+44 (0) 20 7700 9960'      )

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