On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 04:51:18PM +0000, Greg Cope wrote:

> What about a bed / kip room and of course a play room - and I do not
> mean some 70's swingers thing - a P2, etc ... 

Having something to crash on when pulling an all-nighter is, IMO, a bad
idea as it encourages pulling all-nighters.  You just don't write good
code at 2 in the morning, and end up spending just as much time untangling
it as you did writing it in the first place.  And in any case, if you
*need* to work all night, there's something wrong with the project
management.  Oh yeah, we'd need to have project management skillz in the
group too.  No need for a whole project mangler though to start with.

As for toys - if they're not the *useful* sort of toy then they should be
rewards*, as opposed to being there right from the start.  That way they
become a motivational tool.  Although to be honest, I wouldn't be motivated
by lots of the things numija companies think are motivating like PS2s.
I'd be more for getting a bigger monitor on my workstation, or a punchbag
for the office.  Or some clean jerrycans :-)

* - eg, when the first big fat cheque arrives from a happy client, get
a PS 2.  When we hit milestones *on time* in the next project, get another
game for it.

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

   Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced

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