Robin Szemeti [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>no one ever said the buying public were intelligent ...
Well, people rise to meet expectations too. There is precious little in
the way of good CGI books with a practical slant to them out there so out
of the lot of them, this is probably one of the best. The same principle
applies to Matt's famous archive...lots of people bitching and not much
*>in fact it has been said (by some famoose newspaper tycoon ISTR) that no
*>one ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of their
That would have been Mr. Hearst whose empire is but a mere shadow of what
it once was. If you treat people like idiots, that's all you get are
On the plus side, Addison-Wesley has a new CGI Perl book coming out in
early February that should be a major improvement in this particular