On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 04:21:34PM -0000, Andrew Bowman wrote:
> It may be heresy to admit it around here (come on then MuttCarroll!), but I
> actually quite like Outlook Express (as distinct from Outlook) as a mail
> client. Once it's configured to disable scripting etc. it's biggest flaw,
> aside from its provenance in Redmond, is that it doesn't seem possible to
> disable the display of HTML email - which is kind of annoying given the
> opportunity this offers to spammers etc. to track the display of email.
> Maybe it's not so good after all ;-)

HTML email is bad.  In this weeks LWN letters page, there's a cute
letter from Alan Cox explaining how you don't need JS enabled to get
tricked.  If you look for "HTML email privacy" at:


Related, there's a lovely little tidbit in this months Crypto-Gram,
about how you can be caught out.  Crypto-Gram should be available as:


But, that doesn't seem to be available yet.  I got mine from:


The interesting bit is the section "A Semantic Attack on URLs".


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