On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 11:17:51AM +0100, Roger Burton West wrote:
> On or about Mon, May 14, 2001 at 11:04:52AM +0100, Matthew Jones typed:
> >> When have they ever been asked?
> >During elections. Like I say, in 1997, the UK voted in a party that was (I
> >reckon) seen as the guardian of the public services, the party that is
> >traditionally associated
> In 1997 the UK voted against the Conservatives. The policies being offered
> by the parties were close to identical.
> >> Money isn't enough. America spends more on education per 
> >> pupil than anywhere else in the world - think that works?
> >Yeah, but doesn't most of that go on flak jackets for the teachers? Heh,
> >seriously, though, money may not be enough, but that doesn't translate to
> >"the education system doesn't need any more money".
> How about stopping and thinking about it _before_ throwing money at it
> just for a change, then?
> >> Government-run projects don't work, even when they're heavily funded.
> >That's an awfully sweeping statement to make.
> Yes.
> Governments never get value for money on anything they do. Discuss.
> R

They certainly didn't get good value for money on the Immigration cock up,
handed out to EDS (or was it Perot) and then Siemens (with an army of 
contractors in tow).

Failures all down the line there, from the very juicy insider gossip I was


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