On Thu, 07 Jun 2001, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> Anyhow, they
> have two different search engines -- the portal one and a 'text only'
> one which uses a different system:
> http://www.altavista.com/sites/search/text?raging=1
> which *does* provide Bax hits...

You're right .. it does ..

however ... Altavista have just stuck their poxy banner infront of my
eyes too many times .. given that google is nice and 'advert light' and
low key .. and (although I give you the text-only version is better)
altavista is a spamminng PITA .. i'll go for google everytime thanks ;)) 

the thing I really like about google is its uncanny ability not only to
index everything .. but it seems able to find the *right* thing .. many
many times the thing I want is in the no1 spot .. with AV its often on
page 2, 3 or more ... 

Robin Szemeti                       
Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

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