Marc Baudoin <> wrote:

> Anyway you're free to add extra topics to your teachings, such as
> mysqldump.  In my teachings, I use SQLite, because it's much
> easier to set up than a full-featured RDBMS and I explain
> students how to use it, even if it's not in the objectives.

Exactly. That's what we do, too, because SQLite is part of all major
Linux distributions and comes with the least amount of baggage
attached. Anyone can type “sqlite3 foobar.db” and be in business,
without having to set up a database server, user accounts, etc.

Which is not to say that the database servers are bad (I personally
prefer PostgreSQL over MySQL) but as far as I'm concerned their
specifics aren't exactly standard fare for junior system administrators.

Anselm Lingnau ... Linup Front GmbH ... Linux-, Open-Source- & Netz-Schulungen, +49(0)6151-9067-103, Fax -299,
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