Am 10.02.2015 um 10:19 schrieb Anselm Lingnau:
> Exactly where does topic 105.3 talk about MySQL in the first place?

This is a good question. It doesn't. But I see it on a hight position in 
this logarithmic(!) ranking. The ranking shows the importance of mysql:

> If everybody should be able to backup a MySQL database, shouldn't everybody
> be able to restore one, too, so shouldn't we also add the commands to do
> that? Do we then also add pg_dump and pg_restore because some people may
> be using PostgreSQL instead?  What about other SQL databases?

Of course everybody should also be able to restore a database. As 
mysqldump does the backup and the restore as well I didn't mention it 

> IMHO one of the strengths of 105.3 is that so far we have managed to
> avoid tying it to a specific database implementation. Let's try to keep
> it that way.
I agree with this argument.

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