Le 19/10/2016 à 08:11, franck.rakotonindra...@fresenius-kabi.com a écrit :


Ok but I a do not understand how to write  this condition

<mainIdentifier>js: "CN=" + capitalize(srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("cn")) + ",OU=INTERNE,OU=UserAccounts,DC=DOMAIN,DC=my"</mainIdentifier>


I suppose I should replace the value which is TRUE to a test, it would be kind if you could show me an example

For example:

        var result = true;

        var dn = srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("entryDN");
        var regexp = /ou=projects/i;
        if ( dn.match(regexp) ) { result = false; }


Be sure to add entryDN in source fetchedAttributes to be able to use its value in the test.

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