
Please see inline.

> From: Lsr [] On Behalf Of Christian Hopps
> Sent: Friday, April 3, 2020 12:00 AM
> To: Robert Raszuk
> > On Apr 2, 2020, at 5:17 PM, Robert Raszuk <> wrote:
> > 
> > Many thx,
> > R.
> > 
> > PS. As we are talking LSR here it is strange that joining virtual LSR 
> > meeting is not for everyone. I was waiting and tried three times today for 
> > host approval to join which was not granted. 
> > 
> I am very sorry to hear this! We had 64 participants, at least at one point 
> that I saw. I set the meeting up, and I don't believe there is any way to 
> exclude anyone in particular, I certainly would never have chosen to do that.
> However, Webex has a password requirement when setting up meetings (I guess, 
> I tried to not have one, it wouldn't let me) which we included in all the 
> details wherever the details were posted, it was "linkstate".
> I did notice an email, from webex, during the meeting about a request from 
> Bruno to join as guest, but he was in the participant list when I then 
> checked.

So may be my experience may help for next time(s). See below.

An email from the IESG secretary was sent on 2020-03-19, saying "Information 
about remote participation: "
Hence I used that URL.
On this webex, the meeting did not start on time so I've waited for some time. 
Then 10-15 minutes past the start, I decided to 'notify the host', but never 
got accepted on the webex.
At that point I assumed a technical issue with webex and monitored the mailing 
list, but no one was complaining, which is not inline with typical IETF 
reaction ;-) .
So I assumed the error was only on my side and I searched for more emails and 
found one from Chris (2020-03-31) saying that the URL was 
And this one worked fine.
My guess is that the 'interim' webex did not use the 'lsr' webex. Also the 
'official' notification from the IESG secretary with the incorrect webex URL 
did not helped.

> I didn't receive any other emails like that (and FWIW I had 5 windows over 2 
> monitors going at once trying to manage all this, so noticing the 1 email was 
> lucky).
> Did it let you skip entering a password (or did it not offer the option in 
> the first place)?
> It would be good to figure this out before the next interim.
> Thanks,
> Chris.
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