On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 15:23:40 -0700
Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> a full explanation is on the wiki
> http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/Troubleshooting-mount-problems

Interesting.  I am confused about this part:

If you have access to the client's /linuxrc file then you can alter the NFS
mount options to force the transaction to a lower packet size.

How do you obtain access to the client's /linuxrc file?  This computer that I'm
typing on right now is a LTSP server and I just typed "locate linuxrc" and
found nothing.  And since my terminals are Neoware Capio 600-series thin
clients, they have no local storage on their end either.

That actually brings up another issue that I don't understand, though it's
never been a problem yet.  On my Capio thin clients I can never get a shell.
"SCREEN_01 = startx" works fine.  "SCREEN_01 = shell" hangs up the terminal.
In short, there is no way to boot anything other than X on those terminals.
Since that's what I want to have running, no problem.  But why can't I get a

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