On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:09:32 -0800
Jim Kusznir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Any suggestions?  I have no idea what to start tweaking on the netgear...

I know nothing at all about a Netgear GSM7224 managed gigabit switch, but it
sounds like something is not being passed through that switch, which suggests
an over-eager firewall.

Does this switch have some kind of built-in firewalling or filtering?  I just
ran that through Google and it looks like it's one of those all-singing
all-dancing units that will also pour coffee on demand.  Can you disable the
fancy stuff and tell it to just be a switch?

Alternatively, you may be best advised to use a different less-"capable" switch.

MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Melville Sask ~ http://www.melvilletheatre.com

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