Quoting Oliver Grawert <o...@ubuntu.com>:

> oops, then i remembered it the wrong way round, sorry.
> still, as mentioned in my other post, we should just rely on xorg
> auto detection unless you really need to force the lower depth ...
> (which i belive is what happens atm)

Having been given some explanation of what setting =auto be the  
default behaviour, and having had a look at the information provided  
in these past few mails, I now support the proposal to make =auto the  
default behavior, it seems it will indeed be the sensible and most  
useful configuration for most cases.

I assumed there where some case where 16-bit would fail, but certainly  
in my experience it is the most trouble free option, and I wrongly  
assumed there was evidence otherwise. I recall when the default became  
32 was when I started adding =16 in all my config files.

Our clients are an exception were OpenGL won't work on 32-bit color on  
our old intel chipsets, and it certainly shouldn't take away from a  
better experience for the more common setup.

Incidentally, my first experience of LTSP was being shown a .avi file  
of the film Apocalypse Now being played on a thin client, in 8-bit  
color mode.

 From Ben Green

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