On Mar 9, 2004, at 10:23 PM, Kevin A. Burton wrote:
You need do make it a HashSet:

table = new HashSet( stopTable.keySet() );


Also... while you're at it... the private variable name is 'table' which this HashSet certainly is *not* ;)

Well, depends on your definition of 'table' I suppose :) I changed it to a type-agnostic stopWords.

Probably makes sense to just call this variable 'hashset' and then force the type to be HashSet since it's necessary for this to be a HashSet to maintain any decent performance. You'll need to update your second constructor to require a HashSet too.. would be very bad to let callers use another set impl... TreeSet and SortedSet would still be too slow...

I refuse to expose HashSet... sorry! :) But I did wrap what is passed in, like above, in a HashSet in my latest commit.


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