Am Don, 2004-02-12 um 21.33 schrieb Roman Turovsky:

> >> According to whose worldview? Just because it isn't done as frequently
> >> since the days of John Phillip Sousa doesn't mean it's entirely beyond
> >> the pale. 
> > 
> > We seem to agree that it's done less frequently today than in the past,
> > and that is enough for my purposes.
> You think dedicating a piece to the US President would be a good idea? He
> wouldn' know a lute from a toilet bowl..........
> RT

I wonder - he is such a clever person! No other american politician
would be so popular giving the restrictions of freedom for the american
people he achieved. 

Dedications may sound odd today but they are still in use. One wouldn't
call a piece "Mr. Bush's Midnight" but would rather write a dedication
as it was also popular in the renaissance. And it's rather unusual to
adress a piece of music to a politician. Actually politicians doesn't
seem to support music any longer ...



Thomas Schall
Niederhofheimer Weg 3   
D-65843 Sulzbach


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