Passion is a delicious fruit too, David ;-) ! I agree with you and I also 
deplore the standardization of lute sound in recent recordings. But H2s or 
equivalent devices can be very useful, impartial tools to work with, certainly 
NOT to make a Cd !!!  I am preparing to do a recording next summer for a little 
French label (Peyrole Records) whose policy is to make ONLY live recordings, no 
editing AT ALL... They have a very good equipment of course and appropriate 
places to record, plenty of time to do it, but I must say it still sounds like 
a challenge. Have to choose the proper repertoire for a first experience, in my 
case plucked strings duets with my friend and colleague Thierry Meunier (lutes, 
theorbo, baroque guitar and renaissance guitars). I don't know precisely what 
will come out of it but I look forward to that "test", not without 
apprehension, but that is stimulating, isn't it ?

All the best,


======= 16-03-2008 21:21:06 =======

>David T. wrote:
>> Most lute recordings are heavily processed in addition to recording
>> in churches or resonant spaces, so there is a kind of artificial
>> standard in place.
>> The reverb/church effectively removes all or most of this aspect of
>> the technique.
>> You could say that in this regard the modern taste for lute has a
>> sweet tooth
>> The current state of recording exists however to cover up or remove
>> mistakes, not to amplify the intrinsic beauty of the instrument.
>Hear, hear! I couldn't agree more. My own experience as a listener and cd 
>reviewer, as a player with a few recordings of my own and as a producer of 
>some other recordings I cannot agree more with what David T. wrote. This is 
>how it is now and I think it is a sad state of affairs. But isn't up to us 
>to change this? Let's make different recordings. Let's listen with different 
>ears. Let's try to capture the essence of the lute sound and the musical 
>personalities of the players in live performances in our recordings. Let's 
>not make technical perfection and a lush 'easy' sound our priorities. The 
>results are sterile cds for easy consumption: muzak. So, to all of you out 
>there with your Zooms: go for the real thing, don't imitate cds, but record 
>yourself as realistically as possible.
>David - in the middle of the easter season, hence the passion
>David van Ooijen


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