Dear lutelisters,

I was listening to the 1st Suite by Respighi (Antiche Arie e Danze),
and became curious: the first and second pieces are by Molinaro and V.
Galilei, and the 3rd and 4th are Anon.

Which pieces exactly are the originals used by Respighi? Where are
they available (I mean the intabs, of course)?

An Italian magazine published years ago the following list:

SUITE nr. 1
Simone Molinaro, Ballo detto "Il conte Orlando" & Saltarello del predetto ballo, from Intavolatura per liuto - Libro primo (1599)
Vincenzo Galilei, Polymnia
Anon., Italiana from Oscar Chilesotti's "Da un codice del Cinquecento"
Anon., "Orlando fa' che ti raccordi (villanella)
Anon., Italiana from Oscar Chilesotti's "Da un codice del Cinquecento"
Anon., Passo mezzo bonissimo
Anon., Mascherada

SUITE nr. 2
Fabrizio Caroso, Laura soave
Jean-Baptiste Besard, Bransles de Village, from Novus partus (1671)
Anon., Campanae parisienses
Antoine Boësset, Divine Amaryllis, from Mersenne's Harmonie Universelle (1636)
Bernardo Gianoncelli, Tasteggiata & Bergamasca

SUITE nr. 3
Anon., Italiana
Santino Garsi, La Cesarina
Jean-Baptiste Besard, 6 Airs de court, from Thesaurus Harmonicus (1603)
Anon., Spagnoletta
Ludovico Roncalli, Passacaglia, from Capricci armonici (1692)

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