Valery, I was going to ask the same question about which tutors advocate 
playing close to the bridge... I remember something like that but in the 
baroque period, not  in the renaissance, and it seems that the increasing 
number of strings/courses influenced the right hand position and that gradually 
the right hand came closer to the bridge than in the earlier period.

I had set a couple of pages to demonstrate this and other things too on the 
basis of iconographical evidence. At the time there was a discussion about the 
use of the left hand thumb to stop strings over the neck, a practice clearly 
illustrated in a lot a paintings in the 16th century and quite common for jazz 
guitarists nowadays. 
At the same time there was also a controversy about Hoppy Smith's choice to 
play near or above the rose for his Dowland's programme, which I thought to be 
a very good idea indeed and musically rewarding. 

Then, to push my argument forward I put these pages online and you can have a 
look at them at :    for the 16th century    for the 17th century  for the 18th century  about the use of the left hand thumb, 
and Arthur J. Ness gave more information on that at

Feel free to react... or not !


======= 25-09-2008 20:16:40 =======

>Could you please name the tutors telling to play so close to the bridge ? 
>and the iconographical evidence (yes there is some but not so much...)
>And the other evidence (speak with some luthiers) is to try to play the 
>strings in different places and hear where sound is the best (objectively, 
>not just as an idea of your ideal sound) Of couse it depends on the lute, 
>strings and soundboard, but I'm quite sure it is not by playing close to the 
>bridge you get the better "objective" sound from our instrument.
>Do you also think people listening to songs like Janequin wrote, Lassus and 
>others, listeining to viols and flûtes, could like buzzing strings on frets 
>? I'm really not sure of this idea. (I believe Da Milano's silver nails is a 
>poetic hyperbole, so many poetic hyperboles in this time poetry, paintings 
>and writings....)
>My two cents...
>----- Original Message ----- 
>To: "Andrew Gibbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lute List" 
>Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 7:57 PM
>Subject: [LUTE] Re: Lute sound
>> Andrew,
>>     I tend to agree with what the tutors recommend.
>> (I don't know if I would use the words "sharp" or
>> "pungent" to describe it, however.)  There is also
>> such circumstantial evidence as Capirola's advice to
>> set your frets so that they actually buzz against the
>> strings and the description of Francesco playing with
>> thimbles into which were set little quills.  Some have
>> suggested that the thimbles/quills idea was just a
>> poetic hyperbole.  Possibly.  But why would a listener
>> from that time have thought to place such an invention
>> in the hands of Francesco - things that would
>> presumably produce a very, very bright sound - if
>> brightness wasn't a desirable trait in the first
>> place?
>>     I get the feeling that for many, playing so far
>> over the rose is a relic of converts to the lute
>> subconciously trying to re-create a warm tonal ideal
>> remembered from their previous days of playing
>> (modern) classical guitar.  Personally I like playing
>> fairly close to the bridge - there's more volume and I
>> feel much more control over articulation and shading.
>> You can still warm things up by moving closer to the
>> rose if you want or brighten things by putting your
>> pinky behind the bridge.
>> Chris
>> --- Andrew Gibbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> The original lute tutors consistently recommend
>>> playing close to the
>>> bridge - with the pinkie very close to the bridge -
>>> or even on or
>>> behind the bridge. Taking into account the possible
>>> differences
>>> between modern and historical strings, this still
>>> seems to indicate
>>> 16th c taste (early 16th c at least) was for a much
>>> sharper, more
>>> pungent sound than most modern lutenists are
>>> playing. The close-to-
>>> the-bridge sound is certainly surprising - I keep
>>> trying it but my
>>> hand keeps creeping towards the rose...
>>> On 25 Sep 2008, at 02:00, Stephen Fryer wrote:
>>> > What sort of sound were they trying for in e.g.
>>> the 16th century?
>>> > Do we have any evidence on this?
>>> --
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