Dowland  was reluctant to publish his most important works. Farewell 
Fancy, his masterpiece, was never published, nor was the solo version 
of Lachrimae, and there are many more.
When wondering why, I always like to think of Leonardo da Vinci and 
the Mona Lisa. He carried it everywhere, and never stopped work on 
it, even after retiring to the court of Francis I at Amboise, and 
never sold it.
Dowland never released many of his best compositions.

>    Any theories about why, if the song was written this early, Dowland
>    didn't include it in any of his first three books of songs (1597, 1600,
>    1603), but held it back until the Musical Banquet of 1610?
>    Peter
>    2009/12/3 David Tayler <[1]>
>      Are you saying that Dowland was familiar with Coprario's setting and
>      adapted it, or can it be either that they both used the same poem
>      --with some important changes--or is it also possible that the extra
>      verses were added later?
>      I don't see a convincing timeline as far as the composition of the
>      poem, the verses and the settings. Stylistically, I think Dowland's
>      version was composed first, but that would be difficult to prove as
>      there are no mss. I would imagine Dowlands song to be from around
>      1597 to 1600, and Coprario at least 4 years later. Changing the
>      important words such as "dying live" to "living die" seems to
>      indicate either different versions were in circulation or the
>      composers changed the poem.
>      dt
>    At 03:09 AM 12/3/2009, you wrote:
>    >It's one of the Funeral Teares, a series of seven poems, set for
>    >soprano, alto and lute by Coprario, to commemorate the death of
>    >Charles Blount, Baron Mountjoy. It has two verses, Dowland only used
>    >the first verse, and apart from the obvious advice to read the second
>    >verse to understand the first one better, one should also read all
>    >seven poems to get an idea how this poems fits in.
>    >
>    >David - did I mention recorded some of Coprario's Funeral Teares on my
>    >latest CD 'Songs of Life and Death'? ;-)
>    >
>    --
>    1.
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