Segovia certainly didn't play Bach on any incarnation of lute...unless you
count modern guitars built to a Spanish paradigm as lutes.  Walter Gerwig
certainly deserves some recognition for an early lute-driven effort at Bach.

For what it's worth, the Yepes article in Wikipedia offers "[Yepes] was also
the first person to record the complete lute works of Bach on period
instruments (14-course baroque lute)."

That same Wikipedia also offers this review: "[other guitarist's] exciting
and perceptive performances of the lute works, which were recorded between
1981 and 1984, are light years better than the stilted, drab, and often
utterly stillborn interpretations of Narciso Yepes, who does not sound by
any means comfortable playing the lute (American record guide, 1984)."


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: [LUTE] Re: Narciso Yepes and the lute
> >    Yes, I don't expect it to be up to much, but he did at least give it
> a
> >    go when no-one else would. Deserves recognition, I think.
> Yes, but in context.  Pretty sure Segovia precedes him, my LPS are at home
> (I write this at the library); I have some Yepes and some Segovia LP's
> acquired in the early 60's, with a broad span of repetoire, including some
> vihuella and lute material - L da Milan and Bach for certain.
> Nigel North was another pioneer, I have at least one LP of his on theorbo
> from then as well.
> --
> Dana Emery
> To get on or off this list see list information at

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