On Fri, 22 Jul 2011, Alexander Batov wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> I don't thinks your maker did anything wrong, not at all. I'm guessing of 
> course but it looks like he simply replicated the sting spacing (well, at 
> least on the bridge, I'm not so sure about the nut ...) from the bridge(s) of 
> one of the original archlute or theorbo (a few of those have indeed survived 
> with their original bridges intact). If this is the case, the distance 
> between individual strings in courses as little as 4.0 mm and even less would 
> be 'fairly' normal. To give just one, rather 'extreme' example: the original 
> bridge of a theorbo by Martinus Kaiser (E.24, Musee de la Musique, Paris) has 
> about 3.3 - 3.5 mm between the strings of the 6th course; and this is for the 
> string length at c. 88.5 cm! I don't know what the string length of your 
> archlute is but if it is, say, within 57 - 64 cm, then 4 mm would be about 
> right (perhaps even on a wider side!) by the 'old standards'.

The top seven courses are 66 cm.  I think it's a somewhat unusal 
instrument that began its life as a theorbo made by some luthier whose 
name I do not know and was transgendered to its current form by Van Lennep 
for the person from whom I bought it You can see the thing here: 
(there are 6 picures, but only tow appear at the same time.)

> So again, with such close spacing, a lot depends on where you pluck the 
> strings ... Although not an archlute but perhaps something like this 
> would work:
> http://www.klassiskgitar.net/unknown17-portraitofalut.html

I think I have gravitated ed a little to that automatically already, 
because p-i is not so practical if p is otherise employed.

> Good luck!


the next auto-quote is:
I would rather be the offspring of two apes than be a man and afraid to
face the truth.
(Thomas Huxley)
Peter Nightingale                  Telephone (401) 874-5882
Department of Physics, East Hall   Fax (401) 874-2380
University of Rhode Island         Kingston, RI 02881

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