It's available in the International Music Library Project (EU):

This score is clearer and has PARTS:

But notice the original instrumentation includes 2 "Salmo" (=chalumeaux),
2 theorbos and the violins are designated "violini in tromba marina."  (See
the red stripe.)  The comment that the Malipiero score is "urtext" is misuse
of the term!

I have never discovered convincing explanation about what "violini in
tromba marina" are.  I know what a
tromba marina is, but violini?  The best explanation is that one plays the
notes in harmonics. In the solo sections??? Any other explanation?  I don't
buy the explanation by <????> that they are to be played on board a ship.<g>

Both are the Malipiero edition and I didn't see figures.  But he has
realized the continuo in the organ part and that will assist to determine
the harmonies.  Malipiero, the usual "Collected Edition" of  Vivaldi's
instrumental works, is "over edited" in my opinion.  In this case, given the
original intrumentation, it is "under-edited."<g>

Best wishes to you and  Kathleen,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mayes, Joseph" <>
To: "G. Crona" <>; "Lutelist" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2013 9:06 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Vivaldi

Two of my students are playing the G major concerto for two mandolins.
They'd like me to play continuo on my archlute. Does anyone know where a
bass part (with or without figures) could be obtained?


Joseph Mayes

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