On Tue, 22 Dec 2015 06:59:24 PM Clinton Roy via luv-main wrote:

> Might do what you need?

An interesting idea.

> This doesn't stop systmed from mounting the cgroups, it just tells slurm
> where they're already mounted.

To be honest on an HPC node it's the batch system that should be controlling 
the cgroups rather than systemd.

What would be ideal (if you can sacrifice the cores) would be to tell systemd 
to just use a single core for all its stuff and leave everything else 
available for Slurm to manage.

That way there's no OS jitter from system daemons running on the same cores as 
the applications themselves.

I know, I can dream.. ;-)

 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC

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