On Saturday, 25 March 2017 6:38:54 PM AEDT Mark Trickett via luv-main wrote:
> > Wheezy is going out of support and for desktop installations it's well
> > past
> > the time when it was suitable for use.  If you are going to use Flash etc
> > then you really need to keep your system up to date.
> I want to step up, but with a 4 gig a month quota and each extra gig
> or part thereof at $10, it will be expensive. This is with Telstra,
> and none of them will take into account that I rarely go over .6 of a
> gig. They are all bloodsuckers. This is why those in this bind would
> appreciate assistance getting a DVD or three now and then from those
> with enough of a quota, and who are getting it anyway.

Are you able to attend a Beginners' SIG meeting?  If so bring your PC and 
update it there.  There is good wifi access at the venue and for a once every 
2 years thing this is an acceptable use of it IMHO.

> >> I will also look for a way to let the appropriate people at the ABC
> >> know that flash is inappropriate for many reasons, particularly the
> >> security vulnerabilities.
> > 
> > But not using Flash would allow naughty people to use a python program to
> > download content!  :-#
> But requiring the use of flash forces them to make their system
> vulnerable. Some people complain about NoScript, and yes it can get in
> the way, but then there are ways of enriching the interactive user
> experience without such vulnerabilities. I want to "educate" the
> marketing monkeys, it will be uncomfortable so that there is reason to
> not forget the lesson.

I can't imagine that working, but good luck with it.

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