On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 06:23:05PM +1100, russ...@coker.com.au wrote:

> deb http://www.coker.com.au wheezy misc
> deb http://www.coker.com.au jessie misc
> deb http://www.coker.com.au stretch misc
> The above APT repositories have Python-iview built for Debian, it was built 
> for wheezy but still works.  I probably should update it.

I have a set of shell scripts which make use of python-iview that
you might want to adapt for inclusion in the package. they need some
minor changes to make them suitably generic (they currently make some
assumptions about the index file location, video download location, and
ownership etc that aren't appropriate for packaged software)

-rwxr-xr-x 1 cas cas    41 Mar 31  2015 iview-extract-filename.sh*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cas cas   586 Jun 18  2016 iview-fetch-index.sh*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cas cas   176 Mar 29  2015 iview-grep.sh*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cas cas  1080 Jun 18  2016 iview-list.sh*

iview-extract-filename.sh is a trivial sed wrapper that extracts the
filename of a show from the not-quite-right format used in the index so
that it can be downloaded with iview-cli.

iview-fetch-index.sh fetches the current iview index listing if it
either doesn't exist or if the local copy is too old, with an option to
force a refresh.

iview-grep.sh searches the downloaded index with grep. it calls
iview-fetch-index.sh to fetch/refresh the index as requireḋ.

iview-list.sh builds on iview-grep.sh by searching for all episodes
that match the pattern, and then optionally downloading them using
python-iview's iview-cli.

They could all be fairly easily merged into a single script, with a
small number of command-line options to perform the various tasks - all
except iview-extract-filename.sh already use getopts and are really just
variations on a theme anyway, and iview-extract-filename.sh is something
that would work just as well as a function in that single script.

Doing that has been on my TODO list for some time, but i rarely have
to resort to iview so it's a low priority for me (i just set mythtv to
record everything that sounds even vaguely interesting, and often don't
even get around to watching it anyway so end up deleting them when i get
close to running out of space)

Given what's being done to the ABC lately (i.e. being run down and
crappified so that nobody cares too much when it's sold off to Murdoch),
i doubt i'll even bother with my myth setup for much longer. Commercial
TV isn't worth watching even if you skip or strip out the ads, and what
they're turning the ABC into isn't going to be worth watching either.
SBS has some good stuff, but that's being screwed over by the LNP too.

> > I will also look for a way to let the appropriate people at the ABC
> > know that flash is inappropriate for many reasons, particularly the
> > security vulnerabilities.

> But not using Flash would allow naughty people to use a python program
> to download content! :-#

Using flash doesn't stop anyone from doing that. python-iview
still works and still occasionally gets updated to cope with ABC
obstructionism (by nice people on the net, not by the original author JV
who has been cease-and-desisted out of his own software).

Many linux video players will play flash video files (.flv), without
using or requiring flash - including mplayer and derivatives like
smplayer. and the video in a flash video file is easily converted to a
standard video format, with no loss of quality (i use ffmpeg. handbrake
should work too).

Of course, the resolution on iview sucks compared even to SD, but it's
OK if you missed the first episode or two of a series before telling
MythTV to start recording it.


craig sanders <c...@taz.net.au>
luv-main mailing list

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