On Thursday, 10 January 2019 2:57:02 AM AEDT Craig Sanders via luv-main wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 08, 2019 at 11:51:33PM +1100, Russell Coker wrote:
> > Currently I run my kvm VMs under screen
> sounds like a PITA doing everything manually...but whatever works for you.

Well it's a small ongoing PITA vs a major PITA to change to something else...

> > and just use screen -r to get the console.
> I strongly recommend switching to tmux.  I stuck with screen for many years,
> been using it since the early 90s, but finally made the switch about a year
> ago...finally got sick of screen's bugs, quirks, piss-poor unicode support,
> and effective abandonment as an actively-developed project. it took me
> about half an hour to configure it so that the transition was
> non-traumatic. after a few days, i wouldn't even consider switching back,
> any more than i'd switch back from mutt to elm.

People have been saying that for years.  But what I do with screen is fairly 
basic so it's been working well enough that I haven't had a great incentive to 

> As I did with screen, I've mapped tmux's escape key to ^K.  I rarely use
> that for anything else but I use ^A all the time -- ^A is move to start of
> line in bash/readline, an extremely stupid key for screen to hijack as its
> default control prefix. tmux's default of ^B is better, but I've got used
> to ^K over the years.  Unlearning that would be too painful.

Yes, ^A is really annoying.  But I don't use screen enough to make it worth 

> > Virsh has some benefits, but so far it hasn't seemed worth the pain.
> for just "virsh console", no not worth it. for everything else - virsh and
> libvirt are definitely worth it.

I probably will do it eventually.

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