"Kayvan A. Sylvan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| The make install no longer installs the following:
| /usr/bin/noweb2lyx
| /usr/share/lyx/configure

Ok, these should be easy to fix.

| Everything in /usr/share/lyx/doc is missing except
| /usr/share/lyx/doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx and /usr/share/lyx/doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx.in
| (and LaTeXConfig.lyx.in should not even be installed).

Absolutely ok. The doc files are no longer part of the lyx-devel
module, but resides in their own module: lyxdoc.

I will try to set up som magic to automatically include the
documentation when making a distribution.

| The entire /usr/share/lyx/reLyX directory is mis-installed (ending up
| in /usr/share/reLyX/reLyX instead of in /usr/share/lyx/reLyX)

Ok... it is only the location that is wrong?

Jean-Marc do you have the time to look at some of these?


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