On Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 03:47:30PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, John Weiss wrote:
> > [I've been meaning to mention this for some time now.  But I've been
> > eaten alive by my house, and have been spending my train rides lately
> > hacking together new emacs programming modes.]
> So your house is haunted?

No, it's just a house.  And the first one I've ever owned, at that.
So, I'm discovering the joys of maintenance and repair.  :P

> What possible emacs programming modes are there left to hack?

Why, modes for non-standard programming languages, of course!  The
company I work for has two that it uses in the development of its
software.  I've finished an emacs mode for one.  I'm almost done with
the other.

> > At work, just about every library has its own set of unit-tests.  If
> > you've never heard of a unit-test, the idea is this:  take a lib
> > you've written, and put it through its paces.  
> [...more on unit tests...]
> Aegis is apparently a very capable tool to support this but I'm not sure
> how well it would work on components of a project rather than an entire
> project.

The whole idea of unit tests is:  find the bugs in a class before
actually using it.  :)

John Weiss

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