On Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 08:47:31PM +0200, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> Instead, it's much better to simply address each file in order,
> document the header file, rename functions and variables to have 
> better names, in general clean it up, and try to make things better 
> small piece by piece.
> And keep in mind that everything should be stable all along.
> This, I believe, is the way to proceed with LyX.
> This, I believe, is also the best way to learn the LyX source code:

No, no it's not.  If this were, as you say, the best way to learn the
LyX source code, about 4-5 devlist members who know C++ (myself
included) could have learned everything about LyX over the past couple
of years *and* simultaneously completely cleaned up the code.  That
never happened.  I, for one, took one look at the LyX source in June
of 1998 and got a baaaad headache!  Hell --- I've wanted a
"transpose-char" function in LyX for 4 years now, and I *still* have
no clue where it would go or how to add it.

Picking a class that *has* been cleaned up and documented, however,
and writing a test to see that it works isn't nearly as difficult.  If
you had asked me to build a test for LString a year ago, I could have
done it.  The only reason I haven't done so on my own is time.  I
barely read my email anymore.

John Weiss

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