On Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 05:25:36PM +0100, Arnd Hanses wrote:
> Else we would found the 'HardCore testing LyX never come to terms
> gang', making Core Developers live impossible. 
> Then the real testing experts can by and by implement the rest on their
> own account and risk and report the results.

I only suggested that the author of a class not also author the unit
test for three reasons:  A) Lack of time; B) Conflict of interest; and
C) Lack of time.

In any case, unit tests aren't about making anybody's life
impossible. They're about putting each function through its paces,
making sure it does what the author intended, and also making sure it
handles bad input gracefully.  (Many a coredump was born when a
function met input it didn't expect...)

John Weiss

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