Dov Feldstern schrieb:

I will test this now. But even if it all works, this is *not* OK as it is --- it breaks ArabTeX Arabic.

I don't understand. Currently ArabTeX is never loaded by LyX for Arabic documents so it is also not used. My patch requires arabi for both languages.

To repeat myself: ArabTeX without arabi can't be used due to the missing babel interface and, more important, due to the missing input encodings. The latter was bug 2927 which is now fixed for a while but since then the arabi-package is required for Arabic. But once arabi is installed on your system, it will be used automatically, so ArabTeX is already not an option. Even if you load it in the preamble it will only be used for Arabic-only documents. As soon you have another language in your document arabi will be used again due to its babel interface.
So why not using my solution? Note that I created it by the requests of Mostafa.

Please see the email I sent earlier tonight for a patch which separates between arabi and arabtex. This patch should be implemented over the arabic_arabi language.

I haven't received an email from you yet.

regards Uwe

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