On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 07:49:54AM +0200, Martin Vermeer wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 05:24:36AM +0100, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:
> >  Hi all,
> > 
> >  please, find attached an improved version of the scrollfix patch.
> > 
> >  Summary of the further changes:
> >  -) most optimizations for updating a single par are back
> >  -) actually, it is possible to specify a par range with Update::SinglePar
> >    -- actually, should be renamed as Update::Paragraphs;
> >    -- actually, Update::Force should be renamed as Update::Screen ?
> >  -) class UpdateScope encapsulates the scope of an update (updateFlags
> >    plus parameters, e.g. the par range to be updated if SinglePar is used)
> >  -) the boxes example now works correctly, except it is somewhat slow
> >    because with SinglePar I'm updating and redrawing the outer Par,
> >    not the inner one, so with such a great box (or even table, etc...),
> >    it gets slow -- here I should add a further parameter to UpdateScope
> >    specifying the Text where the update starts from;
> >  -) probably it adheres slightly more to the coding rules;
> >  -) updated to trunk revision 21533;
> >  -) needs testing to check if there are any further crashes;
> > 
> >  As it is somewhat growing, I wouldn't like to keep working on it for too
> >  much time further, as the operation of merging with trunk may become
> >  cumbersome. Now it seems to me sufficiently stable.
> > 
> >     T.
> I think this is the time to check it in -- with the trivial
> renames you propose. We're not close to a trunk release so any
> bugs will get ironed out in a timely manner.

I'd like to see some performance measures first, lest we paint
ourselves into a corner here. We had this kind of approach (all
paragraph heights known) for a long time and switched to the 
current one for performance reasons when e.g. loading/resizing
inserting in big docments.

If we blindly apply fundamental changes to the paint strategy 
it might well be that there are some problems with the strategy
that are _conceptually_ not solvable.


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