Il 03/05/2011 16:03, Richard Heck ha scritto:
On 05/03/2011 09:25 AM, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
On 03/05/2011 10:20, Edwin Leuven wrote:
so let's decide to move to git (we loose nothing and gain some),

Probably unimportant, we just lost some disk space (+30.8% space needed for sources)

$ git clone git://
$ du -sh lyx
267M    lyx

$ svn co svn://
$ du -sh lyx_2_0_0/
204M    lyx_2_0_0/

Also, my little experience with git: despite the few commands used everyday for pulling updates, pushing local commits for writing a paper or working on relatively small projects, in the end it always came the time in which I couldn't understand anymore what was the status of my repo and I needed the help of some git "expert", who normally entered weird commands on my system to "recover" the situation (including having to check-out again the whole tree). To my surprise, this also happened merely following a git repo (i.e., pulling continuously and rebuilding, without having ever committed anything locally, but probably with little local changes just to compile on my system). This means *my* learning curve is not that easy, and quick crash courses don't help. I'll need to go through most of the main concepts from a manual, and there are far more concepts than you can find in SVN. Actually, my impression is that git has so many options and features that even who's been using and advocating it since years in the end has only a limited knowledge of the tool. Also probably unimportant, is the possible lack of integration with IDEs. AFAICS, most lyx developers don't care about this, or probably I'm not informed and git is supported by most IDEs, otherwise someone would have already complained about his, so far.

Further 2 cents (I know, now they're at least 4).


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