Il 07/10/2011 00:17, Julien Rioux ha scritto:
On 07/10/2011 12:10 AM, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:
I must be missing some piece of the puzzle here. Is this related to DPI
settings and the possibility for the user to crop in cm/mm/in, rather
than pixels ?

So, are you suggesting to ditch readBB_from_PSFile? I don't know enough about its use. But what about the Crop tab in the graphics dialog, do you still get sensible values there, so that I don't have to guess the BB?

don't know ... need some testing without that function, to see what goes wrong.

One thing: I'm proposing, as export format in the related "Export->Export As..." GUI enhancement, any registered format for which documentFormat() returns true.

    Formats::const_iterator it = formats.begin();
    for (; it != formats.end(); ++it)
        if (it->documentFormat())
            types << toqstr(it->name() + " (*." + it->extension() + ")");

However, I'm also getting gnumeric, xls, ods (spreadsheet), csv, R (math language) and other stuff in that list. Guess it's too much. Any clue on how to filter out only the
*real document* formats ?


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