Okay, so I've got the compilation error taken sorted out. (It was due to 
modifications that I had made to the class.) I've added a list object to the 
output parameters class.

I'm now trying to figure out how to successfully collect the footnotes into the 
list. Using:

In InsetFoot::xhtml():


doesn't work because op has been declared as const. The compiler doesn't like 
it, a lot.  I tried removing the const declarations and directly modifying the 
object, but that changes how the inset behaves and it no longer correctly 
outputs the inset paragraphs.

I've also looked into using pointers to the footlist object, but I'm not doing 
something right because it keeps crashing LyX (probably due to access an object 
that isn't available in memory). 

Any ideas on where I might go from here?



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