On Dec 8, 2011, at 10:06 AM, Richard Heck wrote:

>> LyX already provides for two and three. With some tweaking, the XHTML that 
>> comes out can be very clean and the LyXHTML can be customized via the 
>> document or Internal layout file.
> Let me know where things need improving re (1) ... For 2.1, perhaps we should 
> be thinking in terms of HTML5 rather than
> XHTML altogether?

I've been putting together a list of HTML5 elements that I think we might 
consider using as default. (Mostly using the ePub 3 spec and a guide to HTML5 
best practices. )

Here is a list of the HTML semantic elements that I think we should use as 
defaults. (The nice thing about XHTML/HTML5 is that it degrades pretty 
gracefully to XHTML.)

Inset-Name                              Element                 Comments

Paragraph*                              <p>                             Use <p> 
by default, currently use <div>
Quote                                   <blockquote>    Already used
Caption*                                <caption>               Table Captions, 
currently use <div>
Emphasis                                <em>                    Already used
Figure*                                 <figure>                        
Currently use <div>
Figure Caption*                 <figcaption>            Currently use <div>
Part Title                              <h1>
Chapter Titles                  <h2>
Section Titles                  <h3>
Subsection Titles                       <h4>
Subsubsec                               <h5>
Paragraph                               <h6>
Maps*                                   <map>                   Might be added 
for interactive electronic content
LyX Code                                <code>                  
Code Character Style            <code>
Video                                   <video>
Audio                                   <audio>
Title                                           <title>                 Already 
Footnote                                <footnote>              Currently use 
Author                                  <author>
Contact Information             <address>

There are probably others as well. I think in general, that we should use first 
level semantic tags wherever possible and rely less on <div> with id/class 

> I have also been thinking that the inset for printing endnotes might
> well be useful for LaTeX, as a replacement of sorts for the Foot To End
> module. If it's there, we write footnotes as endnotes.

I agree I'll look into implementing it. How does the current module work? Is it 
possible to have per chapter end notes? Does that require a completely separate 
approach to a single list of EndNotes?

>> PS, on another note, I'm pretty excited about the export of splitting the 
>> HTML file at the chapter or section level. Is there anything that I can do 
>> to help facilitate it?
> I've been thinking about this and actually think it isn't that hard to
> do. I'll get to it once the semester is over.

Really looking forward to this. The ability to split HTML output over multiple 
files will be a huge step forward when creating eBooks. It's not hard to split 
the files, per se, but creating them with logical breaks will be a huge 
improvement over doing it manually.

>> 5.) Allow for images, equations and other assets to be moved to a logical 
>> subfolder hierarchy (unknown)
> The only reason I didn't do this originally was because I was lazy. It
> should be hard, I wouldn't think. The main question is what counts as a
> "logical subfolder hierarchy".

I think we might follow the recommended ePub guidelines for the resources 
directory. In the top level directory, you place the XHTML files. Under that, 
there are separate directories for each major class of assets: images, scripts, 
fonts, etc. For the native LyX output, it seems like we might want to create 
two folders: images and equations (if not outputting via MathML).

So, maybe something like this:

root - html files
        |---- images
        |---- equations
        |---- ...

It would also be really nice if we had the ability to specify where the root 
html folder should be.

>> 6.) Create a specialized inset which is able to insert audio and video using 
>> the audio/video tags (unknown)
> This ought to be do-able via InsetExternal, though at the moment there
> is no HTML support for that inset. But this was just because I didn't
> see what it would be good for. I guess we would need to extend the
> template description language to include some way of specifying the HTML
> tags used with this type of file. One could more generally allow for
> conversion, though maybe we do not need to do that at the beginning.

Also really excited about and that everything seems to be coming together so 
well. Really cool!



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