On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 15:21, LyX Ticket Tracker <t...@lyx.org> wrote:
> New description:
>  Tracking things which remain unfinished from transation to new server and
>  git.
>  1. Trac browsing of source code does not point to master, so we browse
>  some old
>    state. That means that all links saved elsewhere points to wrong
>  places,
>    eg. http://www.lyx.org/trac/browser/lyxgit/lib/layouttranslations shows
>  12
>    months old revision.

This is not what I see.

  Revision a2e8cb75, 34.5 KB checked in by Georg Baum <Georg.Baum@…>,
5 days ago (diff)

>  2. changesets in lyx-...@lists.lyx.org show no more diffs

I'll get around to do it.

>  3. All links in LyX documentation pointing to our SVN tree are no more
>  correct,
>    see:  git grep lyx.org/trac |grep browser

I am not sure who you expect to do this work...

>  4. Official web pages contain SVN instead of Git links, namely
>    http://www.lyx.org/HowToUseSVN

Or this.

>  5. Wiki uploader is broken and no-one can upload new files.

I thought that the wiki was in good shape now?

>  6. Keyword plugin does not work reliably.

Care to expand on that.


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