On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 12:09 AM, Tommaso Cucinotta <tomm...@lyx.org> wrote:
>> OTOH interactive LyX seems to be really worth and requested feature while the
>> chat looks more like a toy with the aroma of the word "bloat" around (sorry 
>> for
>> the punch :)
> I'm not sure here: AFAICS, I'd see myself more needing the chat, for 
> discussing
> ideas with colleagues *live*. The interactive editing is something that 
> crosses
> with version control. I mean, I've been writing papers over CVS, SVN and GIT,
> and I couldn't really see the problem with the classical way of handling the
> interactions and conflicts in these systems. Actually, being capable of 
> handling
> the editing and commits/conflicts resolution *off-line* is valuable as well.
I must admit that I share Pavel's sentiment: I'm not sure how much the
community needs/requires a chatting function in LyX. But I was
thinking of possibly a cheap workaround: Why not communicate with

If http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/7839 gets included in base LyX, then
it should be much easier to create an LFUN that allows to convert a
document to PDF, pass it through pdfcrop (or similar), transform it
into a bitmap image and copy it to the clipboard. A bit in the style
of Instant Preview. Then the user could insert the resulting image in
any chatting application that supports images (I would suspect Pidgin
does). As a perk we could check if it would be possible to embed the
LyX code that produced the image into the image metadata, and teach
LyX to recognize such metadata: If so, then the receiving user could
insert the image in LyX and LyX would automatically re-integrate the
code into the document.

If an image-based approach is adopted, this would remove the need to
either implement chat in LyX or implement a LyX buffer in a chat
client. Both seem awkward and difficult to achieve.

Anyways, a wild idea. Regards,

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