On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 11:18:32AM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Dekel> Yes, this is the same "bug", but it not a bug in LyX, but a
> Dekel> problem with the Spanish babel file which redefine thes ~ char,
> Dekel> and gives no way of deactivating this brilliant feature (as far
> Dekel> as I could tell).
> In fact, spanish.ldf should have a \noextrasspanish macro. It may
> exist in recent babel versions...

Yes, but it doesn't deactivate the ~ char (I checked the latest beta version).

> Dekel> Howeevr, I think that this problem should be automatically
> Dekel> solved by LyX. I can either add a Spanish specific code, or add
> Dekel> an extra-options field in the language class (are there any
> Dekel> other cases in which some language requires putting extra
> Dekel> commands in the preamble ?).
> Dekel> PS: The solution I wrote above will not work in multi-lingual
> Dekel> docs. Does anyone have a better solution ?
> Maybe
>   \addto\extrasspanish{\def~{\nobreakspace{}}}
> which fits better with babel structure.


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