> | A lyxfunc could take a stream argument from which it reads the actual
> | arguments. Most commands are passed around as strings anyway so it makes no
> | difference where it is converted to int/double/whatwever.
> I'd rather have the real lyxfunc the the correct paramters from the
> beginning, and have a wrapper that create those argumetns from the
> supplied stream.

Unless the lyxfunc is called from a tight loop (say, a millisecond per
iteration) or in used in many places where the correct parameters are
known, the version with proper parameters is not really needed. 

And the stream version offers a pretty uniform interface that can hide
the implementation almost completely. With templates this is a bit
trickier, at least until compilers implement "export" or if we want to
support an arbitrary number of arguments.

Anyway: I have no strong feelings on what should be the "primary" or
"secondary" interface, as long as it is easy to use and uniform. I am just
saying that the stream interface works in a similar setting very well,
better than everything I tried before. I tried, however, not something 
closely resembling your templatized version.


André Pönitz ........................................ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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