Guillaume Munch wrote:

> The former. If we are supposed to include support/docstream.h to use
> odocstringstream, shouldn't the latter be defined in docstream.h instead
> of strfwd.h? (or the fix be moved to strfwd.h which is already included
> by docstream.h via docstring.h?)

That was the missing bit, now I understand it. I believe that strfwd.h is 
newer than the MSVC fix.

> I am tempted to do the proper fix, but since I do not own MSVC, people
> would have to bear with me if this breaks compilation temporarily.

Please do it. I am 99% sure that moving these lines

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1600) 
// Ugly workaround for MSVC10 STL bug:
// std::numpunct has a hardcoded dllimport in definition, but we wanna it 
with 32 bit 
// so we can't import it and must define it but then the compiler complains.
#include "support/numpunct_lyx_char_type.h"

to strfwd.h will work. One could also restrict the MSVC version check to == 
1600 (since the bug is supposed to be fixed in later versions), but I would 
not do this part without test.


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