On 11/02/2015 10:58 PM, Guillaume Munch wrote:
Pushed at f441590c. Windows/OSX users, please report if it does not work.

Hey Guillaume,
Bad news, it didn't work on Windows. Qt 4.8, VS2010, WinXP/VirtualBox
This was the error message:
lyx\src\frontends\qt4\GuiLog.cpp (207): Unable to open QUrl even though dir exists!

I then added another slash to your code
QUrl qdir(toqstr(from_utf8("file:///" + dir.absFileName())),
(by the example here http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qdesktopservices.html#details)
and it WORKED!

On Linux, it worked with two AND three slashes: both Qt 4.8 and Qt 5.5; Gnome 3.18, Fedora 23.

If I may: to me, "Open Containing Directory" doesn't mean much. What does the directory contain - the log shown above, the lyx document? How about "Open Compilation Directory" (or Temporary / or Folder)?

What I find would be handy to have, since you've already been messing around this code, is a button that would clear the temporary dir. LyX sometimes gets stuck with some old log and aux files, especially after an error in compilation, and the only way to get rid of the error messages is to make a dummy change or reopen the document.

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