Am 11.01.2016 um 03:21 schrieb Guillaume Munch:

See the attached for two "safe" (and easy to read) patches, if you agree
that a safe patch that we have been discussing for a month can still get
in for 2.2.

I wanted to apply the patches at once and this way destroyed my complete git folder. Seems to be a bug in TortoiseGit. After the application it tells me that nothing was changed, also the Git log is empty. But all line endings are destroyed and the editor of MSVC cannot read the files anymore.

However, I think I fixed it, re-applied the patches and tried to compile but get:

..\..\..\src\mathed\InsetMathHull.cpp(1257): error C2039: 'isMutable': Is no element of 'lyx::InsetMathHull' [D:\LyXGit\Master\compile-2010\src\mathed\mathed.vcxproj]

regards Uwe

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