Am 22.01.2016 um 20:30 schrieb Guillaume Munch:

Can you please tell me what issue you are referring to precisely in
#1497 then?

Open the testfile I attached to

Compare the appearance in lyx with that in the PDF output:

- for multline (first formula in the testfile) the first line starts in the output at the leftmost position, the last one at the rightmost. But in LyX not.

- for flalign (second formula in the testfile) the first 2 columns are in the output at the leftmost position, the last 2 columns at the rightmost. But in LyX not.

- for align (third formula in the testfile) the first 2 columns are in the output at a position in the middle between the middle of the page and the laft border, the last 2 columns are at the middle-right position. But in LyX not.

regards Uwe

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