Kornel Benko wrote:

> Am Sonntag, 19. Juni 2016 um 13:52:02, schrieb Georg Baum
> <georg.b...@post.rwth-aachen.de>
>> OK, then we need to document that instead of QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE. What I
>> did not understand yet is how cmake finds Qt5CoreConfig.cmake. If I only
>> have $QTDIR/bin in $PATH then does cmake find $QTDIR/lib/cmake/*.cmake?
>> Or does cmake require $QTDIR to be set? Or something else?
> Try 'qmake -query'. This should imply some answers.

That would be a chicken-and-egg problem: Unless cmake has built-in qt 
support any knowledge about qmake would need to come from the Qt cmake 
module, which is supposed to be found by querying qmake... If cmake really 
has built-in qt support then a Qt5CoreConfig.cmake module would not be 

> The 'find_package()' tries number of paths to find the appropriate
> Qt5CoreConfig.cmake, searching cmake-module-paths, lib paths and also
> going through the PATH variable.

I had a look at https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.5/command/find_package.html. 
It is quite complicated (and intransparent IMHO), but there seems to be some 
magic that does indeed guess from bin directories in the PATH to 
corresponding lib/cmake directories. This seems to be used by 
build5-2915.bat as well, so I adjusted INSTALL.Win32 accordingly.


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