Uwe Stöhr wrote:

> Richard, could you please put it on ftp.lyx.org? Could you please also
> write a news message that we now have a Vista installer but that this
> installer should not be used for other Windows versions than Vista.

This is not possible for legal reasons. Our own license forbids to 
distribute binaries without corresponding source code. This includes the 
build scripts (see https://www.lyx.org/License):

"The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making 
modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all 
the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface 
definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and 
installation of the executable."

I am preaching since years that every binary we distribute must be built in 
a reproducible way from identifiable, publicy available sources (including 
the build scripts).

Currently only our own OS X build and the linux builds offered by Livio and 
linux distributors are 100% reproducible. The windows installer is not, the 
build instructions are incomplete and partially wrong, and a binary 
dependency package is needed which contains unneeded stuff such as old MSVC 
dlls. How this binary dependency package was produced is unknown and not 

Adding two binaries from a different source to the installer makes it even 
more unreproducible. We need to go into the other direction. That is also 
the reason why I spend lots of time for helping others with MSVC and cmake, 
although I have zero benefit from it personally.

> Thus please keep use welcome new people and encouraging to join the LyX
> developer team. LyX need manpower and I am happy about every new
> developer. We also need people developing on Windows.

Please stop implying that you are the only one welcoming new people. 
Everybody welcomes new contributors, especially those who help to get a 
better windows build.


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