Many of our documents have custom Math options which I think are
unnecessary for the most part. For example, the Tutorial has everything
set to "Do not load", except for mathdots and mhchem. Setting everything
to "Automatic" does not change compilation. I wonder these options might
have been set by lyx2lyx (after introducing new options) over the years.

I would like to set everything possible ("possible" meaning does not
change compilation) to "Automatic" because one of our policies regarding
documentation is to keep things as clean as possible so as to set a good
example to users, and sometimes users copy LyX documentation files
(especially templates and examples) as the basis of a new document.

My proposal is to change everything in all .lyx files to "Automatic".
Then run the ctests to see which exports start failing and revert the
changes to those corresponding documents.

Any objection?


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